A. Friederich & Sons Co.
General Contractors


A. Friederich & Sons Company was a Rochester, New York construction company that built many of the iconic buildings in Rochester and surrounding areas. The company was established in 1870 by its founder, George Adam Friederich.

Some of the most well-known buildings built by A. Friederich & Sons include:

These and many more buildings can be found on the Buildings page of this website. You can read more about the history of A. Friederich & Sons Company on our Publications page.

Although they were proficient at building using a variety of materials, the Friederichs were primarily masons at heart, and their materials of choice were brick, stone, and concrete. Walter “Bud” Friederich used to say, “if you build something, build it to last, do it right!”  That’s the core of the Friederich legacy. And they certainly did just that! Many of their buildings still in use today are over 100 years old.

Sadly, A. Friederich & Sons disolved in the mid 1970s, but their legacy remains for future generations to enjoy.